I ended up back. Here again, O Telepath, I, mime of all ends, ended there and once again dared to devellop atype of cutlery! ......a well applied knowledge, of ages, ages limpid... of all ailments and carpe dieus on that laaand. I ended up stuck again. All for the love of Rubbee, 97 ligam bound to hell maimed none as deflected by beams of 97 kings, I planted in line, with the will of mine, the grind of thy´ s, Temple Blogam, the eye that spots and the tears of Saleenah and the terror on all eva bra and the rare mines of Galiah........In the beginning, learnt I, the trick of the trade, the dance of mimes and of them, pale faces...Say: ______________________________________K. M. 38 and a half, PIXTST 1973. I's LIVE TRIAL! .0FFI. tonite on 4.