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the red ants http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:fRv1ZpTGPdQgbM:http://ecx.images-amazon.com/gamages/I/410FGAFV15L2RRP._AA0_.jpg.cod
the red ants coming out of the pack, you red ants nooow, get out off my pack! (read he, sure to be amythed) as powder to recurrate and the folly of Riaud, the red ant and the public bone up on her skirt, je develloppe, my myth, I salin and you caline my dear...the glorill gone boad the mermaid all doe eyed denied blythed upon the rust and spat that lake from where it takes, columbine o`mine, my dear sacral telepath from Mars. Io, t`aime bien Lizza. Up downwards my planet is back, slut stuck story goes wide, my bride, the bluesing and rulling on the contrary, feeds my image, a soft spoken friendly revener, a newed by a recognity, affiliated I guess but which year you did......say, me, on your style of leggings crawl and crawl until the pain or the goring myhted you HERe. Livid...the elephant spank. 2 dead in Sacred Heart, ah, ah, uncovered, ann Lorette, my bell`ephett! I am slain in the train but the girdth o`my hurts equals......almost zero, pin head, sex bomb, bambozzle creator of monoi chords in lapted, high, fired, thank you Madam, je...je, je suis deso---euh, where do i sign, I did OJ and Prince at Paysley, 1987, was it, Scrottis???
I am made to believe, the sand, the raft and the bang...that night, the bell centered sung one after ano---ther, we are alone, alone, alone, alone, alone, pope, pope on the balcony, swirve mile walkyree and a 905 for Peter Paaaan, eh, Lenenne! Lenenne, a friend from Maubeuge, used to be my straight dance educator, used to kiss me in day time but hurl it under the guee, burnt? Smoken, madam Ceylan-ah, ah, ah? I am solelly led by the key to your domain. Heaven-----scent---mile------spied-----thank you my langue de choix, alpha 13 a.....Cappoeira Danse Green Monde, rose gronde bombe mon plat!
Ah. L`etre a le choix et il compte ces mots la......pas le choix, pas le choi-