je athmaten, master at this art, as of now unoath all that is me to render sevice free the athmaten of thee, there, in Mount Royal, Abbaye Pierre, padded cell, merit an award, I though received then made bamboozella of all the substamat and the rose all theoremed the song of my dancer in alm, myself, the band, the bard, the menace, to you, come as you be, directed in wells I make a reference to my compromisattor at discretion of thyś barristers and the oathers bizess coded the commandite, for sake of a reassuring purpose. The head stuck out of her waters, me, long and curvaceous may I enetr all in hertz dollars? or narco alephs or dividendion international of EI Mississauga? Her there, bared and directed by glare......the red field, the ballon, the big cisks and the arrow, the launch of the javeline directed, OM MANI, in the heart of soooo many, Lizee, My mind, sister lorred, there Nepal but not more than two dogs eigh....MURDERERS!!!!!!!!!!! at green bold planet from bag of bummies gumi from Notthingham yesterday in town, seal, sector, cell, cell it on and paste on my tree, Lover. Blue. Blue. Blue. Black. H