
(us, in terms of being celebrities items...)

dear press, readers, public, so this is it, an unconfirmed statement from the police announces at the dismay of both of us that an unprecedented tidal wave of new arrests is seemingly incapacitating our nation. In Canada, since my arrival in 2002, the mass of unapplicable data, amounts missing, no correspondence status quo and dismissable rumours of the liaison with Brad somewhat having perdured, the cold wintery daft blew on, the news verified as per our codes, the ministers and a lot of you, press people, incapable of admitting...we had to hold. Nothing is matter of further attorneyance, verify with your own info and data networks as applicable to encourage us, the two reliant head down to acquiesce and acknowledge in due forms, that many years on that...we are sorry for bizarre news items filtered in our names, rumours of a child and lack of reliable times and dates stamps in town. Must be the region or the aplication of an old loophole. I pupil of a bright master lay the book open on all table with dates, yes, chats in town, no, no confirmation of records, place of dwellings, date or amounts but...partner may now be unveilled. i said ace...she sees card and she levitated the thick grim lipstick and sororial excuses for appearing older than ever.....our Geena!
The press is free but the choir has spoken and the gates hold all myths sealed, still, herma-frigids............................................................alpha