
Full Hand

I put my one domino on the table, the 3-6. A brief smile shone on my face. Jed-Zebull in front of me, froze...expecting that I put down the 3-2 instead. I reached for the pile of cash just earnt. There was just over 665 dollars, not bad for a beginner!
I see the hand of the rat reach for a colt from under the table. I get up and stashing my cash in my pocket brandish a small church candle and light it. Jed-Zebull, taken aback by the spell hide his eyes and scream. "I won" I said, "Bad loser, eh!" The adversary shows his fangs, some longer than my little finger. I ran outside and towards the square, hospitable looking tower that I had seen om my way to the game. I entered and crossing myself discover the inside of the bulding. Nothing there on the ground floor, just a little table and a little chair. At least I knew that these consecrated grounds were blessed enough to keep away that bad loser, Jed-Zebull. After reaching the first floor of the tower I discovered an innocent looking fruit machine...I hesitated and slid a bank note, folded in four in the slot. I pull the arm of the apparel. A lemon, a bar and another lemon. "Too tempting!", I muttered and went on to the second floor of the tower. In the center of the room a Bible and next to it a vertical slot marked "to the priest, donations". I sigh and fold another $5 note into the wooden box, hoping that it is the Arch I had heard about during my travels in Eg-Meyall. As nothing happened I take the Bible and climbed the stairs to the third floor. The room was barelly lit. On the floor was a hand written note it said: "Gotcha" and it is signed Jed-Z. "I don't think so" I say. I reach for my pocket and put down a pair of Queens. A scream came in through the rectangular window. The bastard was caught! I reach up to the fifth level. The tower, hospitable indeed was a safe haven: there was a comfortable bed in the room. I slept deeply. Upon awakening I decided to explore the sixth and last floor of the building.
(to be continued)