The whirlwind took I, your obedient, and landed I in a bizarre house at the other side of the hill.
The rainbow bridge landed tho'; I, still alive and free, detangled the circle of ropes from around my neck..."both win!" said a voice inside my head. "Both win", I replied aloud. The red ball was bad and the black ball was a whole. The bizarre twist of fate that you notice therein is "only behavioural" like Dr. Mounthill would say...meaning that my best behaviour takes you to the well. "Both ball weight the same, if you noticed" (said the voice, inside my head)
A bang.
A navet in peace that crashed into that Land, eight seconds, every one rushes to the lift-elevator. "One hell of a well" (added the voice inside of my head).
Brad Pitt was by my sides. His sweat looked fake!
I attempted to reach for the elevator also. The walls of glass retained the mass. "I am sound" said I to my master. My master shone and smiled therefro. In the little house all was there for dolls. I found there a plate. It had my name written over. The bridge of rainbow passed above my house.The bridge of rainbow passes over my house...The bridge of rainbow has passed above my house, said I. while I was still alive, only in an adjunct dimension from thine. I ate well. The rope twice around my side
"The meaning is well and the well is freak" said the voice of Cornel Mustard,
which I recognized as though
It was my own
There were plenty survivors, all by my side, I embrassed both.
One goes straight, to the road of May...
The other one goes left like the notorious bee, agile.
I'm sound, people
Do not worry about me,
O family,
I am five weeks away
In the middle a ball lay
"I am not
I am not",
scribbled a hand that wasn't my own.
The Bridge of Rainbow
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