Is just across from the blue house.
Contains everything, like Led Zeppelin for example
On the opposite side is the blue, square scented blue house of thee
But I am herea patient
And I do as I am told.
In the middle is a small table on which four plates
Of a doll size
Plus a slightly larger blue one where my nurishment is left,
And my name is spelt
United nations officials
severed from the main tree of all nations
of long long branched trees
In the floatment...
The red house spun
Three times on itself and later...Brad Pitt and Obama give a conjoint speech
Saying the world cannot economize
The outspin
In master Obedia's words....
The wheel is a spin
and all sin as all deed
is weighed therein
In the blue house red t-shirt elite
and in the city near Notre Dame des Neiges
above from my sulphur dioxyde seat
Large rainbow pieces can be found
in all directions.
I am sat in the house
white worn
Waitin for a doll or a elf
To bring in
something to eat
I am slightly tillted to the left
In the middle a
board of command
with the red shirted employees
to cut the neck of an ostreich
While on this side four male dwarves deal kisses
To all that is surroundering
On the table forks and knives
I am at your demand.