iT HAS MADE ME SEE YOU IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT IN SPITE OF YOU AND YOUR NEEDS. The mad hat is on me, now, I guess, he writes imitating she to you as...iT, beaming your blog. It at a light sees me man. The cholera off this coast of ours, the chores, the Moseley Shawls and Sophie trying to call someone dad, I can tell you are rea. the project is not dated but I hear...The Japonese in you makes to me a sing, I do, I guess, sign and figurate. it has made (yes, your BLOG!) the earth shattered like there is no-oneÅ› peter son can get instead of...Alayanne, I first called you and, you, well, Mos Def, Queen Street West, Starbucks on earth at 16:68, earth again as, the eyes of Ruby bang on someone harder than the one that never be but beamed MY smiles...slime. In a different lights. The well deserved arrived, yes, you are still won by the club of Jelus, amen, amen, entrez or enter, has it all made sense in the end. They stood there at the end of the corridor reeking of alcohol, my breast friends are aim, wrote Hammond on his corgy keyboard, Tremblars, the saints, death as rewards, my ward, Brad, on a Hannelore score, the keys off Evora on slanted, scented shoulders heavy bag. my weed is clean, comes off the streets, I left a note on the windower ballet to soon bathe you in tears, if only, Annie, it was 1993 and I signed not...the note, the noters, the noteblocks, the calls, the satans telephonic voices in the head to provilingus Mad Hoaxer was the cute one and Jacko gave you a hug does not work, we are cops and slightly more aware than certain...still, readers, write a mall anb be the bench...THE BIRD COMES AFTER RELEASES OF THE OLDE, My mass, your lakes, my France and your erm......Should we just wait until tomorrow, my man? Tristesse et toi par le choix de la reine, may you forget, I blew a fog and there it stirs, in it scizophreny and the skeptical investigastor alligator your lawyer......In the light of you reading and making a song insane, i therein plant a place, may it see our needs, in the dark our readers no mo, no more cross, use a telephone if you dare to...READER!
bye, bye! (the both sided to the Cough!!!)