of rebellion started right here, bee, napo, Uncle Tom, the best is yet to come, me and her do back to back as soon as someone reads Jacques we exist, the herring, smelly or new is fitting all naive on my back. The pact is dryyyyy, who wanna recognize that we can sign autograpfs.....sighed the boss as the Apple crash and the wall in the reed wails nice to severe and kill me. Never heard of it, Doctor I think it is a book of greek affiliation, a disease or a sensimilla like job for Yoko Onu....for her in Montreal it is a sign. i bread therefore I lie, flat packed.....thank you my loute! JACQUES MARIUS HENRY AUGUSTE DELEUIL LE PREMIER QUEBECOIS AYANT PROUVE QUE CES LIENS SONNT DE SOIE CAR MEME AU CANADA, LA POLITIQUE CA N'EXISTE PAS.....Hospital the sanctum? I buy shouted I, Sjorna blinks but signs. "I betcha, god, ibeg ya" ! Prounced all, love all, rejoice and sign to the historical bullshit of Doctor Aruelyen made HE. Reed on it............................love to lie for three two...ton corps et tes bras a la fois...La solitude samedi, la bas, de l' autre cote de la vue, avec ces doigts de fille vierre, avec sa paire et son mystere, pas la taille ni le poids, mon nom est ecrit a l' encollure de ma pute. elle ne souffle que mon gras, c' est pour ca que je paye pas. Les ambulanciers pour monsieur Deleuil, s' il vous plait, Son assureur veut recuperer l' enregistreur, les services secrets, c' est albo satanah et le groupe medicorette, it is a cigarette, it bent until we hate, I saw the Buddah and I just tried my luck. Claudia had one level reception and in 1994 it was comic. In Apple walls crumble Travolta can confirm? Oprah is a fan? An overload in canada post, the cheque of jacques is there, bee and bacterias are in the mall. The shop closed and we got to be confirmed by Attali, motte be the queen, Toronto holds all VIP. it is pact. i am Rosa Parx. Dec 2007, me, Quebec adopt a posture, make it long and savoury. it into me! Rosa parked and Jill makes death threats...in the press of whose? I am the first representant at UNAh and prof Fletcher lingers on my dad, an electric guitar and faster....and in french please or I knife you all out. 2002, I landed, Evor believed in Mississauga. The demonic patchwork creature of Professor Hunderay made a deal, a meal, a piss, a banquet, a quiet night between 60 other guy. Gandhi ain' t dead. I am fly and I love my one.