S!hit it
The press detained the kisser and the police a made to measure tomb. Back
The Styx
In the manorhouse
Mickao as the deceased
the rest intact...
I am sad, barman on the terrace
in the bar
in the island, made to measure batch
in order for the heart to cease
Mickao in the beginning fainted but the react...or
in the manor
and twelve in line monkeys
It used to go too far and he even had considered requesting penetrative hell
The family there, as death is silence...Mickao had requested that deadly solution to be
considered by the clan because mirror used to hurt now too much and tears
Mickao was etiquetted
Muerte (Mort), dead
So I guess now they are all happy
including the three from the sperm bank of famous people
Silly little monkeys.
This is the truth as it happened.
Long Live
Batch made to measure
Mickao, Donour
The Most Holy Trinosophia - La Tres Sainte Trinosophie
Ceci est mon livre sacre. Je l'ai cherche pendant plusieurs annees depuis mon adolescence...enfin j'en ai eu une copie par un libraire specialise a Montreal au debut de l'annee. Si vous en avez entendu parler ou si vous etes curieux voici le texte complet en francais et en anglais. Je crois honnetement que c'est un livre magique. Beaucoup le decrivent comme un texte sur les etapes de la creation alchimique truffe de reference a cet art sacre.
Voici une petite animation contenant les illustrations du livre.
Here is a short animation presenting the artwork of the book.
...but who really was the count of saint-germain?
...mais qui etait vraiment le comte de St. Germain?
My world (landing)
The serenade
The great silver ternacur
snaked along the rife
to be twenty-two you'd generate
In the other realm, the fluid cythars
and camelias sarabande along its neck
twisting the dices
twenty and one time, generate
To be twenty two and
a snake
I'd be ripe old at the side of ternacurs
in over sarabandes
Lightning up the skies
In a tint
of one
, of one Loaster
Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol
Y el corazon
Se pone triste contemplando la ciudad
Porque te vas.
Como cada noche desperte
Pensando en ti
Y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar
Porque te vas.
Todas las promesas de mi amor se iran contigo.
Me olvidaras
Me olividaras.
Junto a la estacion hoy Ilorare idual que un nino
Porque te vas
Porque te vas
Porque te vas
Porque te vas.
Bajo la penumbra de un farol
Se dormiran
Todas las cosas que quedaron por decir
Se dormiran.
Junto a las manillas de un reloj
Todas las horas que quedaron por vivir
Todas las promesas de mi amor se iran contigo
Me olvidaras
Me olividaras.
Junto a la estacion hoy Ilorare idual que un nino
Porque te vas
Porque te vas
Porque te vas
Porque te vas.
. . .
La Muerte de Mickao

The White Nest
Red Monkey
It is in
this hole
that live
the 12th monkey
as the 13th...
My aim is
to swing about
and to crawl
in the sand
I aim not to
but it does
in this
I am a monkey
red and a monkey
in the tree
Les Samiens a 3-6
The a cinq heures, ma baronnesse...et que vos aureoles soient a l'heure ainsi que ma rougeur!
Je n'ai pas l'habitude de m'exprimer en public...Ma famille adoptive me garde dans le chenil avec Whisky et il est mon seul interlocuteur...a dater.
Je m' appelle Jacques Deleuil et j'ai six ans. Je lis Aleph Alpha comme tous les eveilles de ma generation.
Nous passerons l'ete a Come et le vingtieme jour atterirons en Martynique.
J' entends ta voix parfois et elle me dit souvent vrai. Je sais qu'il est mauvais d' interroger les esprits mais je suis en avance sur mon temps...et ils me tiennent compagnie.
Les allies sont mes amis,
Que me sont ces memoires a demi formees...
Je lis les pensees et cela rend l'atmosphere mal a l'aise dans ma famille adoptive. Ils disent que ma place est avec Whisky car je suis un petit singe de foire...pas un enfant.
J' ai l'attirance des lames de couteaux
Parfois je poignarde des arbres pour me defouler
...Quand la famille me laisse sortir, Pepe et Meme...pas question de parler de ma captivite.
Je suis ne au Canada.
Suggested Listening
The Twelve Monkeys
There are six monkeys showing their back
holding six other monkeys facing us
In the end he did the trick and the gas gets out
Gaza, won't let out or Jolie...
Pas vu pas pris
While Britney gives birth to her fourteenth
Pas bleu pas gris
and Brad Pitt evokes an affair
At Ottawa and Christina
folded in eight
While one cigar
Decided my hate and my love for ye,
Oh number thirteen, simian indeed!
Nuclear serpentines
in all directions spreading the hate and promoting the being
of such a micro-element as
Met-Acko was spreading all sorts of legs across
the lake in the middle
joined Met-Acko
The red house
Is just across from the blue house.
Contains everything, like Led Zeppelin for example
On the opposite side is the blue, square scented blue house of thee
But I am herea patient
And I do as I am told.
In the middle is a small table on which four plates
Of a doll size
Plus a slightly larger blue one where my nurishment is left,
And my name is spelt
United nations officials
severed from the main tree of all nations
of long long branched trees
In the floatment...
The red house spun
Three times on itself and later...Brad Pitt and Obama give a conjoint speech
Saying the world cannot economize
The outspin
In master Obedia's words....
The wheel is a spin
and all sin as all deed
is weighed therein
In the blue house red t-shirt elite
and in the city near Notre Dame des Neiges
above from my sulphur dioxyde seat
Large rainbow pieces can be found
in all directions.
I am sat in the house
white worn
Waitin for a doll or a elf
To bring in
something to eat
I am slightly tillted to the left
In the middle a
board of command
with the red shirted employees
to cut the neck of an ostreich
While on this side four male dwarves deal kisses
To all that is surroundering
On the table forks and knives
I am at your demand.
Aleph sounds off!
I am sorry but based on that performance alone Susan Boyd deserved to win!!!!
The Bridge of Rainbow
The whirlwind took I, your obedient, and landed I in a bizarre house at the other side of the hill.
The rainbow bridge landed tho'; I, still alive and free, detangled the circle of ropes from around my neck..."both win!" said a voice inside my head. "Both win", I replied aloud. The red ball was bad and the black ball was a whole. The bizarre twist of fate that you notice therein is "only behavioural" like Dr. Mounthill would say...meaning that my best behaviour takes you to the well. "Both ball weight the same, if you noticed" (said the voice, inside my head)
A bang.
A navet in peace that crashed into that Land, eight seconds, every one rushes to the lift-elevator. "One hell of a well" (added the voice inside of my head).
Brad Pitt was by my sides. His sweat looked fake!
I attempted to reach for the elevator also. The walls of glass retained the mass. "I am sound" said I to my master. My master shone and smiled therefro. In the little house all was there for dolls. I found there a plate. It had my name written over. The bridge of rainbow passed above my house.The bridge of rainbow passes over my house...The bridge of rainbow has passed above my house, said I. while I was still alive, only in an adjunct dimension from thine. I ate well. The rope twice around my side
"The meaning is well and the well is freak" said the voice of Cornel Mustard,
which I recognized as though
It was my own
There were plenty survivors, all by my side, I embrassed both.
One goes straight, to the road of May...
The other one goes left like the notorious bee, agile.
I'm sound, people
Do not worry about me,
O family,
I am five weeks away
In the middle a ball lay
"I am not
I am not",
scribbled a hand that wasn't my own.
Labels: NOTE
Mp3 Files My Tunes (below)
Le pepsi-color
from the Archives
Danse, danse avec les jambes, danse bleu. Bleu et rouge si t'es ma jambe car blanc ne marche dans le noir que pour faire un trou charmant dans le champ de ma chambre de noces: Aleph is Polyglotta: Did you know that the man in the mirror may be too friendly to witness as a no?Oui marie, as tu de ces effets recu la cle directement ou en parlant de vos satans vos langues a double-face only reflette uno trever place en DROIT pour mirrors in polycolour and bad joke on Major Edu, Count of Jovis Jupiter (1)Take over rover, the Ballad of Prince Eisen of Garlaban, marquis of Bonjoisin, ArtistUltimus of Egregora and Egregora 31 is of Angele Du Jeudi Bollonquieres de Saint Victor Traviatta of Egregora. here for now. For the present instant persecolted in Singapore and Malayzing in town, Egregore, My dear Amore, as of trente trois, ma charette au coleres led by the crab messes Boa Bologna and beeze the restaurant baristae. Inresolvable, Maltadjusted Debased and Bed Ridden, The Maid of Honour graces the sofa and towards another land Oleph and Alina dance and press chords of another chore in the distant town the cock adores the rossignol and ris, ris, the world is mercyless in relinquish the death of Amerika.
>Kojo No Tsuki<
The black ball
La boule qui bouge au bout
Automatic Writing, My Crazy Blogs and the Art of Chanelling
On reading throughout my 3+ years of rambling on Blogspot, the comments are usually referring to "mad" writings undertaken by a "mad" writer.
In my defense:
I use a technique of dissociation akin to chanelling (see Wikipedia definition below) I do not write the blogs...My hands write the blog. It is referred to as (subconscious) automatic writing and I do not have the control while I write. This is dissociation in the sense that I "hand over the keyboard" to something which is not my conscious self...and that is the writer! I have not got a name for the source of the writing. I surrender my hands and off it goes...The blogs write "themselves"...through me.
It is a difficult technique. Try it in a record store for example...That's how I started...randomly picking up CDs by artists I had never heard of based on non-visual cues.
I sometimes leave my body when meditating. The ancien art/philosophy of ZEN uses similar techniques: The aim of the Za-Zen practice is to dissociate from your lower self and "get to be taken over" by a higher intelligence once the barreer of "I am doing this" crumbles, the action just gets to be done as in a dance of relinquishment and handing over decisions to the "higher mind".
I have also been using spirit contact & automatic creation techniques in my music.
So, if you will please forgive my "madness", it is mediumship...In three years of online writing I have not consciuosly written a single post...so to speak.
There are two main techniques mediumship developed in the latter half of the 20th century. One type involves psychics or sensitives who can speak to spirits and then relay what they hear to their clients. (...)
The other incarnation of non-physical mediumship is a form of channeling in which the channeler goes into a trance, or "leaves their body" and then becomes “possessed” by a specific spirit, who then talks through them. In the trance, the medium enters a cataleptic state marked by extreme rigidity. The control spirit then takes over, the voice may change completely and the spirit answers the questions of those in its presence or giving spiritual knowledge. (Or in my case written info as oppposed to vocally)
I am eight
There is a figure well rounded
When it leans on the side it means INFINITY
I cannot catch the rainbow
I am sure
There is no other rule
Than to stand upright
With the belly bloated
Under the head well filled
I last failed
When my Levi's blew still
In front of a well rounded
20 something
I could not catch the sun
Rest assured
Dear friend
That my nightmare never fails
To retalliate
And to stand
Arms outstretched
Like a T
With my hands in my pocket
Attempting to catch the breeze
Not the flu
Number two
Not the fire
Number five
The rainbow then the sun
I was born July 27th
Fire S'
that stands still
With the belly inside its head
For free
I, let it be
and the ENTRY
O Lights' ere
The Bridge b
It is eight fifteen this tuesday. I am hanging for better results along La Grande Muraille de Chine. It is dark, the moon high rises.
The clock appeared to have well spun since I last deathed .
I dwindle at the end of a red and dark handed clock
The police caught some internet thieves in Berkshire,
I fly over the rainbow
Animal Magnetism
I dwied before I eracted
In the hope of twenty lilies
The old used sofa
I was conceived thereo
I was born July 27...July 27 and a plane
segregatelly kills some bodies in a eith minutes free for all
Ground One
Ground Zero
I spun above and see some dark flames
Ont. woman accused of sex with dog, toddler
More on Lou Reed
I shouldn't really say it but at HMV they have a 5 albums coffret...of Lou Reed, only $25. Lou Reed-Coney Island Baby-Berlin-Transformer-Sally Can't Danse...I shouldn't really say it but at HMV they have a 5 albums coffret...of Lou Reed, only $25. Lou
The Side of the Hill (At)
I jumped in the abyss, two necklaces entertwined around my neck, both finishing at the end of a solid green branch.
One is black, the other one red
Turned in a bizarre twang
twisted to the end
Of my life
They are
The suicide note
I have decided to end, both are on the verge of speaking...There is no hiding place!!
I am sorry for being.........
nevr loved!!!
La fin des haricots
Il y avait a ma droite un ravin et a ma gauche une lame tournante qui hachait menu tout ce qu'elle rencontrait. Je me pressai alors que j'entendais un roulement semblable au tonnerre derriere moi. Devant il y avait toujours cet espoir de vie claire, pure et parfaite aux senteurs de muguet mais, chasse que j'etais par les elements dechaines de la nature, je ne pouvais concevoir si cet apres existait a l'exterieur de mon imagination.
Se fit entendre la voix de la Femme...ou peut etre celle d'un Dieu feminin qui m'ordonnait d'avancer. Je me rendis alors compte que les dangers qui m'entouraient et me poursuivaient n'avaient d'existence car ils restaient sur les cotes et derriere. La foudre, les lames roulantes et les maledictions cycloniques ne se mettaient pas en travers de mon chemin; ils semblaient etre en fait, la mis pour me diriger, me guider vers demain, vers le Paradis humain, vers le plaisir et la reussite. "N'attends donc pas demain, tu n'auras aucune excuse si tu ne fais rien". La peur des mauvais sorts, de la meme maniere est une de ces lames tourbillonantes...elle n'affecte pas demain car demain est toujours devant. Demain nous est du en tant que reussite et la Vie va de l'avant a moins que l'on accueille ces mefaits en tant que possible malediction, position de notre humanite entre nous et le monde. Les foudres roulent, elles rendent la decision difficile mais de l'action on ne peut perdre le controle si on evite de croire en cette fin improbable...la fin des haricots.
The Jungle
Il ia veh
des serpents de chaque cote.
I marched on the fine one line.
A bad smell first greet me
As I approached the central
The scent I was looking for
met those already lingering.
aussi epais kmon poinie
And the common made fume
et ilz ongree
reverberated towards the bulding.
There goes the rose
I saw the lizard

On the fine side of the street
I launched forth my hands open in a grasp
I catch then ye lizard
and pinned it to the ground with a just appearing sword.
I erected it on a cross.
...There was it, ye fine lizard !
& At the other side of the field the Christ burped.
Il y a os
Recommended Listenings: Lou Reed
There is a lot more to Lou than just "walk on the wild side" and Berlin or Transformer... These are 3 superb albums that I highly recommend:
From dust...
La ve wi teh
- J'en a sis !
- De koi ?
- E be...de kwavvat !
- Kwi ?
- Ji vi lani, gimel o turduku, gi mamuz !
- Vrai ?
- Si, se la ve wi teh, gilli jure !
- No e sis est ocho, con las...novellas...
- La kwavvats novellas ?
- La novellas cravattas, si !
- Vi !
- Ma...Kess faz la candidatura ?
- Euh, sa va, sa va...se electavat.
- Koi ?
- Vi, seh la ve wi teh !
- Le mondo se dirija' ake lez elections, fatencion ! Va t' achettar ouna novella kwavvat por ta candidatura !
- La ni ?
- No, la semana ki vin, apwe la fett !
- Sa m' anfra nev !
- Vi...nev bel kwavvats !
- Me electarat !
Aleph Alpha (c)
Against all churches...Canada!
Contre toute eglise...le Canada!
The Battle
The armies united stood on both sides of the Equator. The northern, in red shirts, armed with megaton bombs and nuclear serpertines, angry and ready to kill. In the south, the army of Poverty, in torn shirts, armed with spears and covered in tribal tattoos and scarifications.
On both sides stood the need. The whites, aware of the little quantity of petrol left to extract from mother Earth were bound and torn and ready to kill. The others, yellow and brown, defending their wells and their fields of tomatoes, their pinneaples, their cattle and their right to rule over their own countries. The bell rang, echoed over and over. The whites, in anger, pumped up with cocaine, threw their bombs and metha-drills. The southerners in response threw spears and stones of various sizes with a mighty anger.
"This is Armaggeddon" suddenly said the high speakers. The muezzin on a background of tom tom drums and african yells responded: "This is righteous, this is god's law, we are defending our holes"
It is night. The battle over the armies united on both sides to count their dead. 24 on both sides. The northerners take their GM made jeeps and retire home. The southerners on camel backs reach for their tent also to eat curry filled meat.
The battle tomorrow will rage again for our right to drive fancy cars, eat olives and oranges and for the general survival of the mightiest.
Tomorrow again the two sides will rise in battlegrounds, ready to defend their right to live, to eat olives and to drive purple Chryslers at 100mph.
My name is Shuw-Man-Joo and I want to survive...also.
P-KAX -33
I was born July 27th, that's all I have in common with K-Pax...in case you have not noticed. I am not a martian
I am the manchurian and so what...I have a IQ over 130, come and have a dig, Cornell Mustard! You will see what blow I lead.
You will see how old I bleed.
You will see how much I believe...
You will see what fire triggers this...You will see
O United Army!
un extrait de Marasmes ma piece en gestation
Labels: theatre
2 canes, one life!
wish you,
a very good work
and put it back behind my arm.
This is
to acknowledge
a welcomae
in some fields, I laid back, inside
work well done.
I shot two female ducks!
The end of the world
Full Hand
I put my one domino on the table, the 3-6. A brief smile shone on my face. Jed-Zebull in front of me, froze...expecting that I put down the 3-2 instead. I reached for the pile of cash just earnt. There was just over 665 dollars, not bad for a beginner!
I see the hand of the rat reach for a colt from under the table. I get up and stashing my cash in my pocket brandish a small church candle and light it. Jed-Zebull, taken aback by the spell hide his eyes and scream. "I won" I said, "Bad loser, eh!" The adversary shows his fangs, some longer than my little finger. I ran outside and towards the square, hospitable looking tower that I had seen om my way to the game. I entered and crossing myself discover the inside of the bulding. Nothing there on the ground floor, just a little table and a little chair. At least I knew that these consecrated grounds were blessed enough to keep away that bad loser, Jed-Zebull. After reaching the first floor of the tower I discovered an innocent looking fruit machine...I hesitated and slid a bank note, folded in four in the slot. I pull the arm of the apparel. A lemon, a bar and another lemon. "Too tempting!", I muttered and went on to the second floor of the tower. In the center of the room a Bible and next to it a vertical slot marked "to the priest, donations". I sigh and fold another $5 note into the wooden box, hoping that it is the Arch I had heard about during my travels in Eg-Meyall. As nothing happened I take the Bible and climbed the stairs to the third floor. The room was barelly lit. On the floor was a hand written note it said: "Gotcha" and it is signed Jed-Z. "I don't think so" I say. I reach for my pocket and put down a pair of Queens. A scream came in through the rectangular window. The bastard was caught! I reach up to the fifth level. The tower, hospitable indeed was a safe haven: there was a comfortable bed in the room. I slept deeply. Upon awakening I decided to explore the sixth and last floor of the building.
(to be continued)
Shock Me!
Kiss has been my favourite band since 1980. I am not ashamed of it...I use to model myself after Paul Stanley, besides the "gay" slant. I don't listen to anything they did after "Unmasked". Yes, the Peter Criss & Ace Frehley period, call it conventional. I do not listen to anything Marillion did after Fish left or AC/DC after Bon Scott's death. Kiss used to be a fairy tale band when I was at school. Everything they did had that "magical" aura.